Meet The Team

  • Syya Yasotornrat

    Founder, Brilliant Beam Media

    Syya is the Founder of Brilliant Beam Media and a self professed Tasmanian Devil of Collaboration. She believes in working with fellow experts to ensure clients get the full brilliance of an amazing team to execute on your business marketing vision. As she often says, “All Ships Rise With The Tide!”

  • Raquel "Raqi" Flores

    Social Media Consultant

    Raquel “Raqi” Flores is a core member of the Social Media Growth and Engagement Team, specializing on the LinkedIn platform. Raqi is a passionate advocate for leading with authenticity in social media to grow business relationships.

  • Justin Woods

    Core Production Advisor: Video and Audio

    "Nothing is impossible, only mathematically improbable..." ~ Albert Einstein

    Justin started before the turn of the millenia, working in photography, videography and (then) pioneer live streaming and website design.

    Justin is our core team member who works on anything from personal audio only podcasts to full length feature movies and literally everything in between.

    Justin is a Certified Video editor and Certified Vimeo expert.

  • Nicole Angai-Galindo

    Social Media Manager, Graphic Designer & Content Writer

    "Nic" is the Founder of The Gifted Bipolar Writer - Writing from Two Minds and Two Hearts. As a two-time best selling author, she uses her voice to advocate for mental health awareness and building business through passion, empathy and community.